Class XII - RBSE

Class XII is an important year for students at Modern Public Senior Secondary School in Gangapur, Rajasthan, as it marks the culmination of their secondary education and prepares them for their future endeavors. Our RBSE curriculum for Class XII is designed to provide students with a challenging and rigorous academic program that helps them achieve their academic and career goals.

We understand the importance of specialized coaching for board exams and offer students additional coaching and resources to help them prepare for the board exams. Our experienced and dedicated faculty members work closely with students to identify areas where they need additional support and provide them with personalized guidance, feedback, and coaching to help them succeed.

We have well-equipped laboratories that provide hands-on learning experiences in subjects such as physics, chemistry, biology, and mathematics. Our computer labs are equipped with the latest software and technology, enabling students to develop their technological skills and stay abreast of the latest developments in their respective fields.

In addition to the core subjects, we offer a range of elective subjects such as languages, arts, and practical skills, enabling students to explore their interests and talents beyond the traditional academic curriculum. Our faculty members are highly qualified and experienced in their respective fields and provide students with the guidance and support they need to excel in their chosen subjects.

At Modern Public Senior Secondary School, we place a strong emphasis on extracurricular activities and offer a range of sports, cultural events, and social activities that enable students to develop their interests and talents outside the classroom. We believe that a well-rounded education is essential for students to develop their personality and grow into responsible and ethical citizens of society.

Our values-based education program emphasizes the importance of respect, responsibility, compassion, and social awareness. We encourage our students to participate in community service and social initiatives to develop a sense of social responsibility and give back to society.

In conclusion, Modern Public Senior Secondary School in Gangapur, Rajasthan, is an excellent choice for Class XII students looking for a comprehensive RBSE board curriculum that provides academic excellence, personal growth, and holistic development. Our experienced faculty members, well-equipped labs, modern facilities, and commitment to values-based education make us the perfect choice for students preparing for the senior secondary board exams and beyond.